Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Days of Adventure

It's been a crazy couple of days! Sunday, we flew into Nashville, Tennessee and had a peaceful day, but the next two days proved to be very different. After visiting an old plantation on Monday that Ashley, Josh, Amber and I would really just have liked to live at, we made the long trek to Birmingham, Alabama. The car ride was... well, interesting. We had many adventures, everything from following the GPS wherever it may take us, to Josh and I decking ourselves out; him with a bandanna and sunglasses, to me with the only thing I could find: a book bag that went over my head. When we arrived at our final destination, we went to orientation. Not much to say there, it was pretty boring. Yesterday was our first day of competition with three rounds of debate, and three rounds of speech. The competition is harsh but exciting! Today we're heading out for another day of debate, and tonight is breaks! We'll see what happens then! In the mean time, we're all working on finding new friends, but we can't seem to find anyone Josh hasn't already met!


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